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Inkling co-author new GHA overheating tool

Inkling were very excited to win the tender to produce a new Good Homes Alliance tool to assess overheating risk in new homes at the early design stage, back in October 2018:

Susie has worked closely with Julie Godefroy (Julie Godefroy Sustainability) and Nicola O’Connor (Mandarin Research) with support and feedback from an expert steering group, the GHA team a web-based consultation and stakeholder workshops.
The result is a one page tool (not a spreadsheet!) comprising 14 questions that enable the assessment of the key overheating risk and mitigation factors for any UK scheme design, and advice on what to do next based on the risk determined.

The tool and the guidance notes that accompany it (that give more information about each risk/mitigation, how the question should be scored, appropriate mitigations and further references) are both free to download from the GHA website here:

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