
We thought hard before signing this pledge as we recognise the challenge that this presents, especially on refurbishment projects, but as part of the building services community we have been convinced that it is our responsibility to lead the charge away from fossil fuels and towards electricity which can be generated renewably. Alongside this shift must come demand reduction – see the outstanding work of LETI for more advice on how this can be achieved.
Inkling signed Building Services Declare back in 2019 but it didn’t seem to change much. This feels like a more tangible push for specific and appropriate change in our industry, and we are proud to be listed alongside all the other participating organisations.
Going forward we will routinely be asking clients whether projects include proposals for new fossil fuel installations before we bid on them; where this is the case we will offer support and advice around alternatives that might be feasible.
There is more information about this pledge, what it means, why it matters and other organisations who have signed it so far on the website: https://www.endgasnow.uk/ There is also a link to highlights from the campaign launch event that convinced us.
We urge you to consider signing it too.

Posted by Susie Diamond
- Posted in Research, Values
Sep, 14, 2022
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