Call us  Susie: 07972 263 676

Claire: 07950 282 800
Marcus: 020 3287 5058

Claire marks 10 years with Inkling

I became a partner at Inkling in September 2013. To celebrate my first 10 (and a half) years at Inkling I have been looking back at some of my achievements during that time, it turns out I have been quite busy!

In 2014 I became a CIBSE Fellow (2014), the most senior grade of CIBSE membership. Through CIBSE I have contributed to many events, research, and publications. For example, the annual CIBSE Technical Symposium. At the Symposium I have presented papers on topics such as NABERS UK Independent Design Reviews (2024), Modelling of hydronic slabs in a building simulation tool (2020) and comparison of the CIBSE Guide A and TM52 overheating criteria (2014). I have also peer reviewed numerous research papers for the BSERT journal and the CIBSE Technical symposium and contributed to CIBSE publications such as AM11: Building performance modelling (2015) and TM59: Design methodology for the assessment of overheating risk in homes (2017).

I would highly recommend CIBSE membership as if offers many opportunities for networking, learning and research activities and helps to demonstrate competence and continuing commitment to professional development. With this in mind, I have sponsored a number of colleagues and connections to become CIBSE members. Outside CIBSE I acted as a mentor for the Fluid mentoring scheme. During my 12 months with the programme it was great to see my mentee develop in confidence and start to actively shape her career.

At Inkling we love to collaborate and share our knowledge. As well as contributing to our series of blogs, I co-authored the CIBSE Carter bronze medal winning paper “Predictions of summertime overheating: Comparison of dynamic thermal models and measurements in synthetically occupied test houses” with Susie, Loughborough University and Hilson Moran (2019). I also penned an article for the RICS Property Journal on the effect of the (then) upcoming Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) Regulations on commercial rent reviews and lease renewals (2018) and an article for the CIBSE journal (2014) on applying CIBSE TM54. In another collaboration with Colin Lillicrap Associates, CIBSE and The Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB) I designed and delivered training workshops on ‘Implementing the CIBSE TM54 Methodology to avoid The Performance Gap’.

I have worked with many inspiring clients through Inkling. For example, arbnco, a technology innovator operating in the field of real estate energy efficiency analysis and improvement modelling. I supervised two successful Knowledge Transfer Partnerships between arbnco and the University of Strathclyde, the first focusing on Cloud-based energy model calibration and the second on deployment of IoT solutions for buildings, working with some great colleagues along the way. Both KTPs were awarded the highest grade of ‘Outstanding’ by the KTP Grading Panel.

In April 2021, I was appointed as a member of the first NABERS UK Independent Design Review panel. The NABERS UK DfP scheme offers a significant opportunity to narrow the ‘performance gap’ for both new and refurbished office buildings.

DfP involves the owner formally committing to achieve a certain level of energy performance, to be confirmed from meter readings in operation. As a panel member, I am responsible for carrying out formal reviews of NABERS Design for Performance projects to assess whether they are likely to achieve their Target Rating in practice. Additionally, the role includes sharing knowledge to upskill the industry, such as presenting at the recent CIBSE BSG Event ‘NABERS UK through the lens of a modeller and two members of the IDR’.

I have now completed over ten NABERS IDR reviews for Inkling clients and am enjoying the challenge of identifying performance risks in real buildings, including management and construction risks, and offering solutions to mitigate these so that the buildings perform closer to the design intent.

Other highlights of my time at Inkling so far include attending the launch of the Smith Institute report ‘Women in Construction: Time to Think Differently’ at Portcullis House, attending a Service of Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey with colleagues from CIBSE to celebrate The Year of Engineering 2018 and of course winning Consultancy of the year (up to 50 employees) at the CIBSE Building Performance Awards 2024!

Working at Inkling has allowed me the freedom to organise my working week flexibly, leading to greater productivity and creativity alongside a better work-life balance. It has been great to collaborate and share knowledge with Susie and Marcus and I look forward to continuing our (award winning) mission to help make buildings more comfortable and energy efficient.

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