Call us  Susie: 07972 263 676

Claire: 07950 282 800
Marcus: 020 3287 5058

Claire marks 10 years with Inkling

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I became a partner at Inkling in September 2013. To celebrate my first 10 (and a half) years at Inkling I have been looking back at some of my achievements during that time, it turns out I have been quite busy! In 2014 I became a CIBSE Fellow (2014), the most senior grade of CIBSE […]

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CIBSE Technical Symposium 2024

We love the CIBSE Symposium and make an effort to attend every year – see previous write-ups. This year it took place at the Welsh School of Architecture in Cardiff 11-12th April. Claire and Susie attended and both presented papers. This blog includes a brief summary of our papers and some notes on our highlights […]

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We are thrilled to have won Consultancy of the year (up to 50 employees) at the CIBSE Building Performance Awards 2024 last month. <CR> This recognition means the world to us. We are very fortunate to work with some amazing clients and collaborators (you know who you are), and we are grateful to the CIBSE […]

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Inkling team photos

We took the opportunity of all being in the same place at the same time for our 2023 Christmas get-together to have some pictures taken of the whole Inkling team. We booked the kind and helpful Joscha Mayer to do the honours in the Granary square area behind Kings Cross, and we are really pleased […]

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CIBSE BSG event – Claire talks about how simulation can be improved

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On 11 October, Claire shared her NABERS UK experiences at a CIBSE BSG Event – “NABERS UK through the lens of a modeller and two members of the IDR”, hosted by Hilson Moran. This was a hybrid event focusing on NABERS UK and its impact on our industry with industry experts and professionals gathering to […]

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CIBSE Technical Symposium 2023

This year’s technical symposium took place at Strathclyde University, Glasgow last week (20-21st April). Claire and I both made the journey up from London (by train #VirtueSignalling) as it’s our favourite CIBSE event of the year. For me, the theme that emerged from this years event can be summed up with these three quotes: 💬 […]

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CIBSE Technical Symposium 2022

Both Susie and Claire attended this years Technical Symposium at London South Bank University 21-22 April this year. We were slightly giddy at being out and about, catching up with people after so long, and mixing with so many humans in one place. As usual there was a great mix of academic researchers and industry […]

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Does everybody need good NABERS? The National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) has proved itself effective at significantly improving in-use energy performance in (initially mostly office) buildings in the Australian market, and is now being introduced to the UK. There are two key elements: Design for Performance – this is a framework providing a […]

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Inkling is 10!

Inkling first started providing building physics consultancy in September 2011. Since then we have achieved a great deal to be proud about. Our achievements include (but are not limited to): Almost 300 commercial jobs. These cover a huge range from homes to hospitals, schools, theatres and offices, new build and retrofit, passive and highly serviced […]

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Claire appointed member of NABERS UK Independent Design Review panel

Inkling are excited to announce that Claire has been appointed as a member of the NABERS UK Independent Design Review panel. The Panel consists of 11 industry experts in both the energy efficient design and operation of office buildings. Each will play a leading role in upskilling the commercial real estate sector and reliably delivering […]

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